Saki, a high school senior girl, decides to work as a babysitter/tutor for the neighbor children while their parents are absent. Little did she know what lies ahead of her as she walks into the house of three lust-filled and curious junior high school boys. A tale of unusual sexual debauchery and humiliation begins.
Thể loại: Hentai
Số tập: 2
Che: không che
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A Forbidden Time (4 tập)
A strange relationship develops between college-boy Yusuke and the beautiful twins, Yuika and Rika, he saves from a wild dog. The girls falls for their dauntless hero, but Yusuke is pathologically scared of women.
Thể loại: Anime không che
Số tập: 2
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1 + 2 = Paradise
Minase, a high school student, found a book of magic in an isolated room in his school. He started practicing black magic that has extreme sexual effects that benefited him and some of his friends. Intrigued, Minase got deeper and deeper into using the craft, not realizing the evils that will come forth. Eventually, the origins of the book was revealed, and so did the incident twelve years ago on the night of the Walpurgis, the night when the power of evil is at its strongest. After coming to his senses, Minase struggles to get himself out of the darkness that he had put himself into.
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Tập 6:
Bible Black (Phần 1 - 6 tập)
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